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Monday 13 April 2015

Assignment and Research on Credit Risk Management of Janata Bank Limited

1.1 Statement of the research problem
A bank is a financial organization which provides different types of services to its customers benefit. It deals with deposits and advances and other related services. Now the time is very much competitive for every industry as well as in banking industry. To keep the strong position in this competitive industry banks are frequently looking for ways to offer superior customer service which will facilitate them to prevail and keep customers. Janata bank limited is not out of this. To maintain its strong position in this competitive world they are also providing different types of credit to its customers and trying a lot to keep their customers satisfied. The statement of the research problem includes:

Ø  What are the internal and external risk factors of Janata Bank Limited?
Ø  What is the process of providing loans?
Ø  What are the sectors in which Janata Bank Limited gives more priority in sanctioning credit?
Ø  What are the main reasons for default loans?
Ø  Measuring the performance of credit of Janata Bank Limited.
Ø  How to improve credit risk of Janata Bank Limited?
1.2 Background of the study
Now we are living in the age of competition at anything in any places. From that tendency recently Education is also in the age of competition. So the procedures and standards of teaching are upgraded by different universities and institution in our country. In respect to that, internship is mandatory for our BBA program offered by Jagannath University. To do so I decided to complete my internship in Janata Bank Limited. In connecting, HRD of Janata Bank sent me to the Sarulia Branch and assigned to prepare this report.

1.3 Objectives of the study

I as a BBA student was assigned with this topic with some objectives; the department has arranged this so that they can complete the academic procedure for my BBA completion. Main and primary objectives behind the preparation of the report are-

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