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Friday 24 April 2015

Investigation and reasearch of the helminth parasite community of Channa punctatus. identify different groups In bangladesh


Bangladesh is a riverine country. So it has a vast freshwater areas, including several 

inland water, there tributaries and sea area. Although freshwater of Bangladesh 

abound with a large variety of fish, systematic position of these fishes has not been 

adequately studied in the past, especially from the point of view of modern 

The estuarine is quite extensive. There are an estimated 43.37 lakh ha inland water, of 

which 40.5 lakh ha open waters i.e. rivers, canals, beels, haors, flood plains etc. and 

1.5 lakh ha  of closed water bodies including ponds and tanks, about 1.4 lakh ha of 

shrimp ghers in the coastal region. There is an area of 1.66 lakh square-km of marine 

waters, including territorial and economic zone (BFRSS, 1986).

The ecosystem of tropical and subtropical region supports a large variety of fishes 

which provides an important source of protein to the community and source of 

income. Among freshwater fishes snake headed fishes are regarded as a valuable food 

because their flesh is claimed to be rejuvenating and easy source of protein to general 

people having a wide range of geographical distribution.

In the economy, the role of fishery of Bangladesh is quiet significant. It provides 

nutrition, income generation, employment and exchange earnings. Providing an 

estimated 12 lakh eiadeshis directly and one crore indirectly. Fisheries sector 

contributed 4.43% to national GDP and 22.21% to the agricultural GDP and 2.73% to 

foreign exchanges by exporting fish products in 2010-11 (DOF, 2013). Fish provides 

60% of national animal protein consumption. This section contributes 4.7% of GDP 

12% of foreign exchange earnings. It provides 10% of the country’s labor force with 

1.4 million full time professional fisherman and 11.0 million part time fisher folk.

Parasitology has emerged as a science in its own right from parasitology. Parasites 

occupy definite position in the animal kingdom for remarkable adaptation and come 

from every phylum together form interspecific interaction called “Parasitism”. The 

composition of the parasites depends on various environmental factors such as: 

geographical location of the habitat, season of the year, physicochemical parameters

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