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Wednesday 8 June 2016


 First of all, I extend my profound gratitude to the Almighty Allah, the omnipresent and omnipotent, who helped me accomplish this task on time. I feel satisfied and glad that I have completed this study within specific duration. This internship report might never have been completed without the necessary practical knowledge, assistance of many books, articles, websites, and primary data. It enhanced my knowledge on employee job satisfaction. Thanks to all those persons, who have assisted me, providing me co-operation, books and articles, I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Ms. Raihana Mannan, Lecturer of BRAC Business school of BRAC University, for her motivating inspiration, kind direction, valuable suggestions & advices during my internship period and to prepare this report. I was placed in IFIC Bank Limited to work as an intern from July 1st, 2014 to September 30th, 2014. The members and management of IFIC Bank Ltd was very co-operative and helpful. They helped me through providing various data, guidance and direction. I am grateful to Md. Nurul Hasnat, Manager of IFIC Bank Ltd, Gulshan Branch for his cooperation and necessary support. Finally I want to express my special thanks to Mrs. Anwara Begum, SAVP, IFIC Bank Ltd., Gulshan branch, under whom I have completed my three months internship program.

Executive Summary 
This study is the result of my internship program ran for the past three months placed at the IFIC Bank Ltd. Gulshan Branch, Dhaka. International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited is one of the first generation banks. It has already developed reputation among the users. The bank operates its all products as the Gulshan Branch is middle of the city. As a result the branch has to deal with commercial and non-commercial clients. Therefore, the branch has all level of employees of the bank. Since my internship program was directed to understand the level of job satisfaction, I had to gain the practical area of responsibilities and of accountabilities of the employee so that I could interact with them to assess their views about and relations with the organization. I tried best to ask the staffs directly and indirectly to gather my information. However, I had a good access to the bank‘s publications. My task was designed to understand the level of job satisfaction of the employee of the IFIC Bank Ltd. Gulshan Branch. For preparing this report I used primary and secondary data. The objectives of the report were understood level of job satisfaction of the employees of the IFIC Bank Ltd, Gulshan Branch. So, the research was designed to achieve it. The previous studies on this issue practically and empirically learnt that job satisfaction largely depends on the number of interrelated components such as workplace, salary, training, lack of gender discrimination, neutral promotion policies. Despite differences in opinions made by the employees of the organization on what the study was conducted, what the study finds is that they are highly satisfied in their jOB


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