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Monday 9 November 2015

Disinfect method of fish ZOOLOGY

Disinfection is the process, which involves the elimination of most pathogenic microorganisms (excluding bacterial spores) on inanimate objects. Chemicals used in disinfection are called disinfectants. Different disinfectants have different target ranges, not all disinfectants can kill all microorganisms. The act of disinfecting using specialized cleansing techniques that destroy or prevent growth of organisms capable of infection.

Thebasic goal in disinfection is interruption of the infection transmission mechanism by disinfecting various objects (water, food products, objectsof everyday use, and the like).

Disinfect method of fish

There are three basic techniques for treating fish. They are as follows:

1. Adding drugs to the water (Water-borne drugs): Drugs may be added to the water in three different ways-

a. Dip method: In this technique, a concentrated chemical solution is made up in tank. Fishes or eggs are placed in hand net or trays and dipped into solution for few seconds. This method is used for disinfection of raceways and aquaria for control of the disease.

b. Bath method: The most common method of administrations therapeutic agents to fish is bathing in water-soluble compounds. This may carried out in ponds or tanks. Where the water is static during treatment and the fish are left in solution for certain period. Fish suffer from many external diseases (parasitic, fungal and bacterial) can be treated by this method. There are three types from bath treatments. The difference between these bath treatments is the concentration of the chemical applied and the period of time that the fish are in contract with chemical.
i. Dip bath: The fish is dipped into a concentrated chemical bath for a short period of time, often less than one minute. Prolonged exposure to the chemical at the high concentration delivered in a dip would be fatal to the fish. Because of fatalities can easily result from an improperly administered dip treatment, and because diseased

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